Sunday, May 23, 2010

Serving "suggestion"? I have a suggestion for you...put more syrup on my damn waffle!

I never understood the serving suggestions you see for a lot of meals. One of the most confusing is the suggestion for waffles.

Seriously, could you be any more stingy with the syrup?

What the hell is up with that? Look at all that undeveloped real estate, a swath of syrupless squares, a dearth of dark goodness, insert more mildly alliterative adjectives here. Just who the hell is "suggesting" that as a serving? Is someone out there hoarding the syrup? Is Canada going all OPEC on us and holding back on the maple trees' bounty to drive prices up to cover their health care system? If that's the case, I can actually be fine with it, as it gives me one more reason to hate Canada.

I should note, I
don't really hate Canada. It is a wonderful, noble country with a rich culture that has contributed many wonderful additions to the world. Celine Dion...Bryan Adams....wait, you know what? Eff you, Canada!

In all honesty, it makes no sense. Especially when you consider the biggest name in waffles, Eggo, (Not John Kerry..that was the biggest name in waffling) also sells syrup. You'd think they would show a waffle drenched in syrup to help drive sales.

-Editor's note: A John Kerry reference? really? Way to be timely. What's next, a gag about that new fad, reality television?

See those little squares all over the waffle? They're not there for aerodynamics. They're there to hold syrup in. Putting a little dab in the middle like it's some reward for muffling through a dry, boring-ass waffle makes about as much sense as Lost. Seriously, I don't get either. The only difference is I didn't stop eating waffles.

They're looking for syrup too.

I understand that they're going for aesthetics and what not. It's the same reason that the fastfood joints show you a burger that's been cooked for about five seconds on the commercials, it looks nice for the camera. But what about a little realism? Who doesn't ensure that each square has equal amounts of syrup in them, with a little swirl of melted butter as well? The only people I can think of are probably the same types that would criticize someone's meal for having too many carbs about five seconds after they got on the Atkins diet, like reading that book and going on the world's stupidest diet somehow qualified them as a dietitian.

Maybe they are trying to get me to be more healthy. But to be honest, an overabundance of syrup on my waffles is the least of my issues when I'm eating waffles. I'm sure the cholesterol from the unsafe amount of bacon I'm eating alongside the waffles will cause my heart to seize long before the diabetes from the syrup gets me.

Pictured: Heaven. And most likely my ticket there as well

Eating healthy may lengthen my life, but what's the point if I don't enjoy it. So when it comes to syrup, or any topping really, be it gravy, Hollandaise, marinara or hot fudge, don't scrimp. I am by no means subtle, and neither should be my food.

1 comment:

  1. This photo of the bacon, and your comment, had me laughing out loud!
